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After 28 days, March finally arrives. America may have decayed further, but we sure haven't.

SUICIDE MAGAZINE's articles for the past 28 days:


In the past month, I wrote a script for a new animation. In it, two bellhops clock out of work. They leave the hotel they work at and have a very peaceful journey back home. Most likely featuring Aisin and Satsu (an FMC-I + Pumpkin Road crossover, how spooky). Oh yea, that one emo guy from that one german expressionism film is in there too.

As of now, there are no news for a charpine animated series right now, unfortunately.


I've been working on a multi-page comic with Charcoal in it for way too long now. It's sorta styled like the FMC-I comics and it also has her pet bat demon thing in it. Hopefully it'll come out in the next few days after the publication of this issue.

That's it for now. Unfortunately, there's not much to write about for now, but maybe next month that'll change. Oh yea, also a baby died in my city so there's that too.